When a patient is referred for a consultation by their dentist, the initial appointment will include a thorough evaluation of your symptoms and diagnostic tests will be carried out to locate the cause of your present problem.

Dr. Venkat would then explain the diagnosis and subsequent treatment options with the aid of photographs and digitally obtained radiographs.

In certain situations, a Cone Beam CT scan is necessary to assist diagnosis and treatment planning. This imaging provides 3D visualization of the teeth and supporting tissues.

We believe it is important that patients understand why they require treatment, the time and effort it involves and the estimated cost.

This provides adequate knowledge and freedom to make an informed choice as each individual is responsible for his or her own level of wellness.


A parent or legal guardian must accompany all patients under the age of 18 years of age.

If you have a medical condition that may be of concern, please alert us prior to root canal treatment or surgery (i.e. diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, artificial heart valves and joints, rheumatic fever, latex allergy, a prophylactic need for antibiotics as per your primary health practitioner etc.).

Dr Venkat Canakapalli
Dr Venkat Canakapalli

Good reception and care. I felt at ease and in good hands. I hadn’t much of a clue really but Venkat explained it all and made me comfortable.

Joan Lushington

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